URL structure

You may know what a "URL" is, but have you considered that the structure and how a URL is designed actually matters?

What is URL structure?

When we talk about the structure of a URL, we're often talking about the part of the URL that comes after the domain name.

The URL for this page is "https://solidmedia.no/fagbegreper/url-struktur". Here we have created a folder for the technical terms, and then placed all the technical terms in this folder. This gives the URL a structure that is easy to understand for both visitors and web crawling bots.

Another example is the URL for this article: https://solidmedia.no/fagblogg/seo/hvorfor-samarbeide-med-seo-byra/. Here we have created a main folder for the professional blog, and then created subcategories for "SEO", "Advertising" and "Other".

Together, the sub-categories and articles create a comprehensive but tidy URL structure.

How to create a good URL structure for SEO?

Search engines like descriptive URLs that are easy to understand. Here are some tips for creating a URL structure Google and Bing like:

  • Use descriptive and relevant words in all parts of the URL, both categories/folders and in the slug, which is the very last part of the URL.
  • Do not overuse keywords in the URL. This can have a negative impact.
  • Limit the use of numbers, characters and random letters.
  • Don't create more "folders" or paragraphs in the URL than necessary.
  • Use hyphens rather than underscores between words.
  • Use the same layout for the URL structure throughout the website.

See Google's guidelines for good URL structure here.